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All Teams and Campaigns

Our network brings people together to fight for a world without toxic chemicals. 

Learn more about our campaigns and teams: 

Farmworker Health and Justice

Farmworker Health and Justice

Working together to reduce pesticide exposure and improve working conditions for farmworkers.
Chemicals, Food, Agriculture and Climate

Chemicals, Food, Agriculture and Climate

Making connections between the petroleum-derived chemicals used in our food system and their harm to community and climate.
Local Food Solutions

Local Food Solutions

Modeling sustainable, equitable agriculture in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
The Campaign for Healthier Solutions

The Campaign for Healthier Solutions

Calling on dollar stores to stock non-toxic products and healthy local food
Chemical Disaster Prevention Program

Chemical Disaster Prevention Program

Campaigning for stronger rules to prevent fires, leaks and toxic discharges from chemical facilities
Zero Emissions Whole Communities

Zero Emissions Whole Communities

Fighting for pollution-reducing policies that will improve communities' health and quality of life.


Tackling problems at the intersection of environmental health and justice issues is hard. It takes insight and a unique approach to go toe-to-toe with well-funded, entrenched corporate interests—and win.  

How can we effectively counter the political power of the chemical and fossil fuel industries? By fighting fire with water. We take a unique, consensus-based, and collaborative approach—uniting organizations, experts and activists across the environmental health and justice movements—to cultivate grassroots power and impact decision-making from inside the beltway to boardrooms across America. We find synergies which allow everyone’s unique strengths to shine, and focus these strengths on a common effort: environmental health and justice that leaves no community behind

By uniting grassroots activists with lobbyists in Washington, DC, we give advocates the moral authority to be compelling and we help local organizations achieve a national impact. By connecting scientists studying environmental health problems with fenceline communities living on the frontlines, we help people suffering from pollution fight back. With the Principles of Environmental Justice and the Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing as our code of ethics, and the Louisville Charter for Safer Chemicals as our roadmap to reform, we’re creating a healthier, safer world for everyone.   

—Judy Robinson
Executive Director, Coming Clean